Saturday, January 17, 2009

Baby makes 3

Everyone should have a routanbaby, right? I stumbled across this website that let's you upload a pic of mom & dad and then lets you know what your offspring would look like. It took me a few times to come out with a cute baby but here he is with birth announcement and all:

Ben and Sandra are proud to announce the arrival of their little boy named 3000.

Here's the site so you can make your own little bundle of joy:

! Caution: It took me a few tries before I was willing to claim one of these little babies as my own. Don't despair, try, try again...isn't that the fun part :)

Luckily, I didn't encounter this problem in real life :P


denae said...

how can you look at that face and not just want him? I think it's kind of creepy.

Sandra said...

I know, he's just so cute!